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"die form music an ending summer"
New playlist is available online on Spotify and Apple Music!
die form music for an ending summer
When the seasons are fighting with each other - summer is still trying to keep the warm days, but autumn is already knocking on the door, with shorter days and cooler temperatures in the evening, then we need a boost in our everyday life - that's what our playlist is for. Many tracks with chillhouse / depp house character as well as tracks with indie and alternative sound bring us cool motivation to accompany the fading summer....
You can download our playlist via Apple Music* or via Spotify :
* Apple Music subscription is required to import the playlist.
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Wir sind absolute Musik Fans. Ohne Musik läuft gar nichts. Um immer aktuelle Musik zu hören, spielen wir bei uns im Laden unserer eigenen Playlisten. Sie können unsere selbst kreierten Playlisten über Apple Music oder Spotify streamen. Die aktuellen Veröffentlichungen finden sie bei uns im BLOG unter Musik
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